Mary Jacobs is Director of The Center for Sales Innovation at St Kate’s. She oversees the Business to Business and Health Care Sales degree programs and is also a facilitator for the Sales Executive Forum and professional development classes for women professionals offered through the center. She has worked at St Kate’s since 2013.
Mary teaches courses on Sales, Ethics and Integrity in Selling, Customer Intelligence and Social Entrepreneurship.
She has her BA in Public Administration from University of St Thomas and her Master’s in Organizational Leadership from St Kate’s.
Mary has been a sales leader for several years, leading teams of sales professionals working with large Fortune 500 companies. Mary worked for Northwest Airlines/Delta for 19 years and has lived in Boston, Detroit and Seattle before moving back to the Twin Cities and starting her own sales training business. She also worked at Deluxe for two years.
She has years of experience working with women entrepreneurs and with a focus on women who are transitioning from employee to entrepreneur. She started The Women’s Excelerator several years ago and educates and consults with women entrepreneurs on how to sell and develop strategy for growth and sustainability.
Mary is an experienced mentor and workshop facilitator and has also been a SCORE counselor for 14 years and has worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs.
She presents on the topic “Closing the Confidence Gap-Getting Comfortable Selling Yourself” to corporate audiences and at leadership conferences.