Mentorship Program

Welcome! We are thrilled you are interested in becoming a mentee or mentor! The Women’s Health Leadership TRUST Mentorship Program empowers women to learn from each other through guided mentorship. This one-of-a-kind community enables professional growth through a unique, formal mentoring program to maximize the experience for all involved. Developed in partnership with Menttium, the program is a key pillar of the TRUST’s mission to advance the health care careers of women.

Mentee opportunities are only available to TRUST Members.

The 2025 TRUST Mentorship Program will start with a launch event on January 16, 2025, which is mandatory for mentees and mentors.

It’s time to invest in yourself. The Mentorship Program is a unique, year-long opportunity available to TRUST members who want to focus on immediate or short-term professional development. You will be paired with an experienced female leader who wants to help you achieve your defined professional goals. This one-on-one relationship is tailored to meet your current needs and allows you the flexibility to evolve your focus throughout key points in the year. Past mentees reported growth in diverse skills such as strategic planning, delegating, negotiating, career planning, navigating politics, embracing change, work/life integration, effective feedback, executive presence, and moving from peer to team leader. In addition to your 1:1 mentor partnership, the program includes scheduled learning and connection opportunities with the broader cohort and other TRUST programming. Yes, you can be a repeat mentee, or be a mentee at any stage of your career – our Program team will take your goals into consider in the matching process! 

Mentors – We need you!
If you’ve been thinking about being a mentor, now is the time to sign up. The Mentorship Program provides a turn-key way for you to share your strengths, ask key questions, and meaningfully contribute to the careers of other women at various stages in their careers. You can make a significant impact to the professional life of a TRUST member, for just an hour a month, and four specific guided mentoring cohort sessions. The more generous we can be with our knowledge, relationships and support, the more successful women in our industry will be. Every mentor from past cohorts reports shared growth and development — learning new perspectives while giving back. Never been a mentor?  Not a problem – the Menttium partnership provides the proven framework! 

TRUST Mentoring Program Notable Items
1) Each cohort of the TRUST Mentorship Program will run from January through December annually.  The 2025 cohort program will begin with a launch event on January 16, 2025, which is mandatory for mentees and mentors.  
2) Program applications for both mentors and mentees are typically open in August and September, the year before the new cohort group.
3) In addition to program materials, there will be required quarterly check-ins, providing structured learning opportunities and time to connect with other mentees and mentors.
4) For mentees, there is a nominal fee of $350 to participate in the program.  There is no cost for mentors.
5) Time expectations: Mentees should spend at least two hours a month on program activities and self-development; mentors about one hour a month meeting with the mentee.  Both should plan on prioritizing the quarterly structured events. 

What is Mentoring?

Mentoring Is:
  • Is an equal partnership with two-way learning
  • Creates a climate of trust and promotes open and honest dialogue
  • Allows you to develop leadership and performance capabilities, expand networks, and benefit from career guidance
  • Works best when goals are defined and measured
  • Succeeds when partnership roles, expectations, and time frames, are clearly defined
  • Is learning to respect and value differences
  • Is an opportunity for the mentor and mentee to focus together on the mentee’s growth and development needs
  • Is a commitment to continuous learning by mentee and mentor
Mentoring Is not:

We look forward to seeing you, as either a mentor or mentee, in an upcoming Mentorship Program.  

Nominate a Mentor Do you know a mentor who deserves special recognition? The Mentor of the Year award is open to any member of the TRUST who exemplifies the attributes of mentorship. Learn more here. 

Questions? Please email [email protected]