Bobbi Kochevar, MBA, MLS

Chief Operating Officer, Nexus Family Healing
What do you do in your current role?
I joined Nexus Family Healing in 2019 to oversee the service operations, fiscal management, program functioning and integration of clinical excellence across the Nexus locations, which span four states. We provide outpatient/community mental health services, foster care and adoption, and residential treatment to help children, teens, adults, and families struggling with emotional, behavioral, and mental health issues.
When and why did you join the TRUST?
I joined the TRUST in 2012 when I was looking to expand my leadership skills while also considering a career change. A trusted colleague encouraged me to join. One of the first people I met was Kaye Foley, a longstanding member and past President of the TRUST. She generously shared her time and expertise with me. I have also participated in the TRUST Mentorship program for the past five years as a mentee and mentor. In 2015, I was recognized by the TRUST and received their Top 30 Women in Healthcare Leadership Award.
Do you have a favorite TRUST memory so far?
Some may recall the summer riverboat cruises on the St. Croix. Members could board a bus in the metro area to travel with other TRUST members to and from the event. Participants enjoyed conversation, snacks and beverages along the way. I appreciated this mobile networking!
How has a mentor helped you the most?
I have had several formal and informal mentors who have helped me throughout my career. One, in particular, helped me identify potential blind spots or biases I may have based on my past experiences. Having this awareness about myself helps me better understand others.
What is the best career advice you’ve received?
Focus on your strengths and how you can maximize them. We all have areas for growth but don’t get discouraged. Rather, leverage and learn from the strengths of others who complement your skillset. I have seen firsthand how impactful diverse teams can be.
What support do you need now to evolve your development as a leader?
I find the advice of trusted colleagues priceless. I consider myself a work in progress. I’ve had a lot of help along the way, and it is important to me to lift the next generation of leaders to honor those mentors who supported me.
How do you support other women in their leadership journey?
I am committed to paying it forward. I make it a point to call out the strengths I see in others and offer encouragement during challenging times. People can sometimes look at women in higher-level positions and assume they had an easy journey (I was guilty of that). I have found that is seldom the case. Rather, the struggles, challenges, and perseverance have shaped and molded these women, resulting in their success.
How do you cope with the demanding aspects of your career?
There is something greater at work here. I have been moved and inspired by my colleagues who have persevered and supported each other. As a society, I am pleased to see greater awareness and focus on mental health and the importance of being attentive to those who need healing. Resiliency is different for each of us, but there is help available. This encourages me.
How do you maintain or improve your health and well-being?
For me, it’s about staying grounded in my faith. It’s about living life with purpose. I started my career in laboratory science, wanting to heal the physical wounds of others. I now seek to heal and restore the wholeness of the mind, body and soul.
What is something not many people know about you?
Although I am an obvious extrovert, I value my quiet time to center and restore.
Who inspires you?
I’m inspired by anyone who possesses skills/strengths/talents that I am still developing, so I can be inspired by anyone I meet.
Any words of wisdom you live by?
You have value, you matter, you are loved.