Featured TRUST Member

Jillian Lampert, PhD, RD, LD, MPH, FAED
Chief Strategy Officer, Accanto Health (The Emily Program and Veritas Collaborative)
Jillian Lampert’s work as part of the Accanto Health Executive Team includes oversight of communications, outreach, marketing, and public relations teams and activities; leading coordination with eating disorders industry groups; clinical and community partners; advocacy organizations and policy makers; and helping to increase access to care through strategic growth and expansion in new and existing markets. Jillian has been with the company for over 15 years, joining as the 24th employee of an organization that now has over 1,300 staff.
When and why did you join the TRUST?
I joined in the middle of 2019, at the recommendation of a colleague. She sent me a link to an upcoming event, and in it, I recognized a terrific opportunity for networking and learning with other leaders. I pretty much joined immediately!
Do you have a favorite TRUST memory so far?
I think my favorite trust memory so far is really that very first one – when I clicked the link and saw an event featuring topics that so powerfully spoke to me and my desire to increase networking with other women leaders. The depth and breadth of the experience of those speaking of that event showed me right away that this would be a valuable contribution to my development as a leader.
How have mentors helped you?
When I was in graduate school getting my PhD, I had a mentor who helped me see the options for my career path in a very powerful way. And I don’t know if he even knew he was being a mentor. That experience taught me that reaching out to people who are further along the career path than I was, could really help me to see the opportunities and the pitfalls, as well as gain wisdom on how to grasp the opportunities and navigate the pitfalls. It also helped me learn how to be a mentor for others.
What is the best career advice you’ve received?
The best career advice I’ve received is to truly do something you love. Not to say that every day at work is the best day ever but loving what you are trying to do in the business you are in really helps you to feel like you have a sense of purpose and contribution at the end of the day. The mentor I mentioned earlier also gave me an excellent piece of advice I use for everything from career to personal pursuits. When I find myself struggling to start something, I take his advice of the 10-minute rule – just do it for 10 minutes and if the end of 10 minutes you find you are completely absorbed and can keep going – that’s terrific! If you find the end of 10 minutes that you want to move on to something else, you can, knowing that you’ve accomplished at least those 10 minutes. Often, after 10 minutes I find myself fully absorbed and able to focus on what I need to do to get that task done task done.
What support do you need now to evolve your development as a leader?
The kind of support I need now as I have evolved in my development as a leader is to learn from others who are in similar situation. As peers we journey together on the road of leadership, hearing other people’s stories, contributing bits of wisdom and learning from others. It all really helps me to continue to evolve in my development as a leader.
How do you support other women in their leadership journey?
I support other women in their leadership journey through being a mentor to students and other early career individuals when they ask for a brief meeting or an ongoing mentorship experience because I know how important it is to have the perspective of somebody who’s just a little bit further along the road than you are in that journey. I try to do the same thing for them that my mentors have done for me.
How do you cope with the demanding aspects of your career?
I cope with the demanding aspects of my career by working to take good care of myself. I know I can’t be my best self and give my best work unless I am feeling well cared for and balanced. For me, that involves moving and connecting with myself. I do yoga, row, walk my dog and get out into nature. I spend time with my family and friends, and I listen closely to the wisdom of my 17-year-old; it is from them that I have learned so much.
Any words of wisdom you live by?
I have a friend who is an accomplished musician. He tells a story about how his songwriting partner and he had a fight. One day, the friend invited him over to work on a song together, even though their relationship was still strained. He was reluctant, but went anyway. That day, in about 20 minutes, they wrote a song together that became a top 5 hit worldwide. The song is “We Belong.” Most people know it as a Pat Benatar song or the song from “Pitch Perfect 2.” It has been an enduring song for 35 years and counting. So, I try to always follow his advice: “Take the session.” You never know what’s going to happen.