Featured TRUST Member

Ann Guyott, MBA
Director of Operations, Emergency Care Consultants, PA
Ann Guyott has been with Emergency Care Consultants since 2006, when she joined the organization as a new college graduate. As Director of Operations, her responsibilities are broad. They include general operations, oversight of their Advanced Practice Providers and Scribe Program, Revenue Cycle Management, payer contracts, hospital relations, strategic planning and growth, technology infrastructure and much more.
Ann joined the Women’s Health Leadership TRUST through the graduate school membership program.
When and why did you join the TRUST?
I originally heard about the TRUST before attending graduate school. Near end of my program, I wanted to join a group to become involved and dedicate my time and talents. I was drawn to the TRUST’s focus on women in leadership roles within health care. I have a strong desire to be a part of a larger calling, promoting and encouraging women in leadership, particularly young leaders. I also look forward to networking and the career development opportunities the TRUST provides.
How did you learn of the TRUST’s graduate school membership?
I learned about the TRUST graduate school membership from the faculty and leaders at the University of St. Thomas, where I recently received my MBA.
What prompted you to pursue your advanced degree?
As I started to advance in my career, I felt there were areas in my professional development where I lacked experience or knowledge, particularly business acumen (my undergraduate degree was in the sciences). I began experiencing imposter syndrome, feeling I was not prepared or qualified to be in my role. I ultimately decided to pursue an MBA to gain the business acumen I felt was necessary, develop my leadership skills, and increase my confidence in my skillset and abilities.
The Executive MBA program at the University of St. Thomas surpassed my expectations by enabling me to gain a wealth of knowledge, improving my confidence, and developing a growth mindset. Pursuing my MBA was one of the best decisions I have made.
Do you have a favorite TRUST memory so far?
My very first introduction to the TRUST was attending the annual Forum in 2019. I was moved by the level of support, collaboration and mentorship I witnessed at this event.
Do you currently serve in a role with the TRUST?
I recently joined the Programming Committee to be more involved in the organization and contribute my time and talents. The programming events offered to TRUST members are incredible, and I am excited to be a part of the committee that helps shape those opportunities for its members.
How have mentors helped you?
I have been fortunate to have had a few mentors over the years, two of whom I regularly contact. I believe mentors are essential for all leaders. They provide perspective, see your blind spots and give raw, unbiased feedback to help you grow as an individual and leader. The listening ear, advice and friendship they provide are invaluable.
What is the best career advice you’ve received?
The best career advice I’ve received thus far is a statement a fellow University of St. Thomas cohort member shared with me—“Perfect and perfect are spelled the same.” Perfectionism isn’t bad if you are always striving to perfect, not to be perfect. As a mother, leader, TRUST member, lifelong learner and all the other titles we place on ourselves, this statement never rang truer for me.
What support do you need now to evolve your development as a leader?
I want to continue to challenge myself as a leader. I am a strong believer in lifelong learning. This will come in the form of listening and learning from other experienced leaders, taking risks in my leadership development, and taking advantage of opportunities to challenge myself.
How do you support other women in their leadership journey?
I am particularly interested in mentoring young women who are early on in their careers. I feel this is essential in building successful leaders and businesses of the future.
How do you cope with the demanding aspects of your career?
For me, I believe personal wellness is critical. This varies for everyone, but family time with my husband and three kids, exercising and reading a good book all fill my cup. Also, journaling has been an incredible outlet to reflect and learn.
Who inspires you?
My children inspire me to be a better person and leader. As a mother of three daughters, I am inspired to be the best role model possible for them. Their innocent, calm and playful demeanor despite everything life throws at them reminds me to try and stay positive, even in the hardest of days (and COVID has delivered many of those!). They also inspire me to achieve more and push myself to demonstrate that women can be strong and resilient leaders.