Maili Silber, Healthcare Account Manager, TEKsystems

What is your current role?

I am the Healthcare Account Manager at TEKsystems, a global business and technology services company. We help our clients achieve their business transformation and customer experience goals. I have been in my role with TEKsystems since January 2024 but my experience spans more than seven years with our sister companies, Aston Carter and Aerotek. My career has been specialized in staffing and workforce solutions for healthcare clients, specifically within customer support, patient access and revenue cycle. Healthcare is constantly changing, so my commitment to my clients is that they will have a business partner who is honest, adaptable, reliable and expert in their industry.

Why did you join the TRUST?

I joined the TRUST in January 2023. I had just transitioned from a recruiting manager role to the Healthcare Account Manager role at Aston Carter. At my first meeting, Kim Perry said when she first joined the TRUST it was to increase her business development – I thought she was reading my mind. But what I have found is an invaluable community of inspiring, smart and encouraging women.

What has been your favorite part of being a TRUST member?

What one word would you use to summarize what the TRUST means to you?


Trust your career gut and take the risk. Don’t hold yourself back from an opportunity because of the unknowns or your own complacency. You are more capable, resourceful and resilient than you believe.

How do you support other women in their leadership journey?

Advocacy is very important to me. The leadership opportunities I have had were because I had someone speaking up for me in rooms that I wasn’t physically in. I am glad to be able to advocate for women so that their leadership journeys continue and are provided opportunities for their own growth and development.

I love the complexity of health care. It is such an integral part of our society but how it is provided, who receives it, equity and access, reimbursement of care, impact of technology advancement, and the endless list of challenges is what keeps it engaging. I am constantly reminded that in the sea of all these challenges, there are so many good people doing really good, meaningful work and I am inspired.

As a mom of two, I often put my own well-being last. I have to remind myself to be intentional with my time and not just “couch rot” at the end of the day. For my health, I do a core/post-partum rehab workout at home while my kids are asleep. For my well-being, I started learning to crochet to decrease the amount of time I spend on my phone at the end of the day.

Words of wisdom to live by?

Being kind doesn’t cost anything and doesn’t require a large amount of effort but it is an active choice. It is an active choice to be kind to the overwhelmed server, it is an active choice to be kind to my spouse and family, and it is an active choice to be kind to myself.

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” – Aesop